Burgh Babies Talks Baby Strollers on the blog this week! Such a helpful topic, as the possibilities are truly endless and it can be a headache deciding which one to register for you baby shower. If any of your questions aren’t answered below, feel free to reach out to me or Burgh Babies for more information!

The number one question we get though is about strollers. What our favorite is, how to pick the right one, and which we have! Well, we’re here to answer all of these plus more for you today!
Now, these are just our favorites based on what we have tried, liked, didn’t like, and worked for us.
There are MANY other great strollers out there we just don’t have time to review them all! We know how many decisions you have to make when you’re pregnant and worrying about what to register for shouldn’t be one of them! There are no wrong choices! Just what works best for you and your little one and meets your needs!
The first thing we suggest is making a list of what your top “wants” and “needs” are with a stroller.
For instance, are you a runner who would benefit from a jogger stroller (3 wheels) to best fit your lifestyle? Do you live in a city where simplicity and size are important for storage or small places? Are you a suburban mom who walks her neighborhood or paved roads and things like storage or a cup holder for that cup of coffee are more important? Or maybe you are a mom of 2 or 3 or thinking about the future and wanting more kids soon so thinking about strollers that have an adaptable option to add a seat for another babe in the future? Many things are important, but you have to decide what is most important to you!

First, let’s start with what we have.
Burgh Babies has the Uppababy Vista V2. We LOVE this stroller. We decided on this stroller after reading so many reviews, trying so many strollers, talking to so many people, and seeing what our top needs were. A huge plus was that it came with a bassinet for when the baby is little and can be used inside as well for a safe sleep space. When we were debating what was on our top list, we knew wanted to have multiple kids, so planning to have a stroller we can add an extra seat or piggyback for a little one to stand on in the future was a huge seller for us!
I know the price point can be a struggle for many people on this stroller though. You have to do what is best for you! We felt it was easier to get it now and have the option than to add another stroller in the future. This stroller also has the option to click in and out of a car seat which was a huge selling factor for the babe is tiny and asleep in their car seat! If you are looking for a stroller with a lot of options on how it can be configured and can hold multiple kids, check out the Uppababy!

Next, let’s talk about a similar stroller that has a lower price tag, the Mockingbird.
We spent a lot of time comparing these two strollers. This stroller is very similar to the Uppababy in that you can configure it in many ways with multiple kids. It still has the ease of a car seat clicking in and you have the option to add a bassinet if that is something of interest to you. Feature-wise, it has a lot of the same features and is one to check out. We have not seen this one in person. But in talking to people who have it and the company, it sounds like it’s a great deal!

If you are looking for a sleek travel system, we like the Chicco Corso LE.
We purchased this stroller as well. It is very similar to the Uppababy in that it has a quick connection to the car seat and the rumble seat can configure in different ways. Where it differs is in the price category and it is only compatible with one child. It does come with the car seat though, so if you are looking for an all-in-one package. This is it! It also offers a lever to change the shocks for different terrains which is a new feature for travel systems that we love! It is a great stroller for a new parent who is just looking for the here and now.

Now, let’s talk jogger strollers.
We love the Thule Urban Glide jogger. Thule offers a lot of options in a jogger as well if multiple kids are your main concern. We went with the one-seat jogger and love it. It is perfect for that afternoon jog or walks on uneven surfaces. The main difference with a jogger is it a 3 wheel stroller. It makes it a little smoother and easier to push through rough terrains. It also is super lightweight and easy to use.

This stroller was at the top of our list, especially for city living. It is small and compactable and very easy to use. It has a click-in car seat which makes it easy for an infant. And can be configured to face different directions like the others. You can always add a bassinet to this stroller as well if you are looking for that feature. The reason we love this stroller is its ease of use and compatibility. Nuna does offer a multiple-child stroller option as well if that is something you are looking for.

Strollers have so many options! Whether you are looking for one that can open and close with one hand, ease of getting it in and out of the car, or just a click easy use stroller. Keep in mind, if the car seat is your main worry, you can always get an adaptor to add a different brand of car seat to most strollers! We use the Chicco Keyfit 35 with our Uppababy and it works flawlessly! There is an option for you! There are so many others we love! If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to us at any time!!