This New Stanton Family Photo Session gave me such joy. Any time I photograph a family more than once I get excited. I get to see how much the kids have grown, watch the new family dynamic as everyone gets older. It is truly a delight.

I worked with Dad to decide on the location in their yard we would be taking the majority of the photos. We moved a seat and some beautiful flowers they purchased from a local greenhouse under a tree. It made for great shade and a lovely image.
But once we were ready there was an issue with shoes. If you have toddlers you understand! Anything and everything can upset them, and this time, it was shoes! The little man wasn’t happy with his choice in footwear. We brought him over to the seat for the family photo session to begin, but he wasn’t having it.

Luckily, I am used to working with toddler (I’ve had a few of my own). I knew he needed a break, and maybe a snack. So Mom took him back inside to cheer him up and we started with his sister.
She was such a sweetie and so much fun to photograph. She posed for me, smiled for me, and all around enjoyed herself. This of course meant I had a blast as well.
Once Baby Brother ate, he came back outside but still wasn’t quite ready to join the fun.

We did every mixture of images we could without brother, then let him sit with Dad. He was still clingy, but it was participating. And since I’m incredibly hilarious (insert sarcasm here) he started to warm up, cheer up, and even smile for the family photos!
We did images with the two siblings after getting the most important ones, the family photos, completed. Then cheered him back up with some presents, as it was the day of his birthday party anyway 
After gifts he was fine to get some images by himself and his sister was more than happy to play with the new toys.

I love when we can have a fully successful session. I know how stressful it is on the parents and the first thing they want to do is jump in and help. It makes me happy when I can capture kids at their best. But over the years I have learned that the best pictures aren’t always the ones of you smiling and looking at the camera. Instead, they are the images that show the love and connection between your family. What I like to see in a family photo session are images of everyone interacting with each other. Playing and enjoying themselves. Showing off your personalities.
Those images are gold.
The one you will talk about with your friends. A session like that isn’t one you just look at the photos and think “what a good picture that is”. An image like that makes you remember your family photo session as an experience. One of the great times your family had together.
So don’t panic.

Not only do I know what I’m doing, but the most important thing for your session isn’t that your family sits still and smiles. Let them run, let them play, and let me capture the fun! Let’s show off your family connection. Show the world how much your family loves each other and how silly you can be together. That makes for great images!
Don’t wait!! Contact me now to get your next family photo session on the books and show your family how much you love them.