5 Tips for your pregnancy

Pregnancy Tips 5 TIPS FOR YOUR PREGNANCY Now that you are pregnant I’m sure everyone and their mother (and your mother and your mother-in-law too) have tips for your pregnancy and advice to share with you! While I won’t go too far, nor am I a doctor, I do know some standard things to remember: […]
Nesting during pregnancy – The urge is real

Pregnancy Tips NESTING DURING PREGNANCY – THE URGE IS REAL Have you felt the urge to start nesting during pregnancy? You heard people talk about it, ask you about it, and even tell you their own stories. What has it been like for you? First off, let me say that nesting during pregnancy is real! […]
NICU Survival Kit: How to pack your NICU Hospital Bag

Pregnancy Tips NICU SURVIVAL KIT: HOW TO PACK YOUR NICU HOSPITAL BAG When I saw Leeann’s video on how to pack your NICU Hospital Bag, I knew I wanted her to write a blog post. So often we plan for months for our children, but it doesn’t always go as planned. Being one of those moms, but […]
Benefits of Hiring a Doula

Pregnancy Tips BENEFITS OF HIRING A DOULA What are the benefits of hiring a birth doula? Welcome to another guest blog brought to you by Maggie Grevas at Visitation Birth Doula. I am no expert on this topic, but I know the wonderful benefits a doula can bring to your pregnancy and birth. So without further […]
Burgh Babies Talks Baby Strollers

Pregnancy Tips BURGH BABIES TALKS BABY STROLLERS Burgh Babies Talks Baby Strollers on the blog this week! Such a helpful topic, as the possibilities are truly endless and it can be a headache deciding which one to register for you baby shower. If any of your questions aren’t answered below, feel free to reach out to me or Burgh […]